Age Calculator
Enter you cats date of birth and find out how old they are in human years. To keep it easy it includes the month we are in.
Tools and resources
Enter you cats date of birth and find out how old they are in human years. To keep it easy it includes the month we are in.
Paw Squad is a UK online vet service available 24/7. It is available through mobile applications and on PC through your browser. This is a paid service but if you subscribe to the joint supplement YuMOVE you can get this service free of charge. If you have not heard of YuMOVE we recommend checking out the YuMOVE article in our diet section.
We used this service the first time Colin started urinating blood. I explained my situation and a vet gave me the advice I needed. They offer other services such as health checks, arthritis care, and consultations. All reports and chat history are available on your account.
It can be difficult trying to manage your cats food, supplements and medication. We have created a timetable template you can fill out and print for your cats routine. It can also be used to give to a family member or friend when you are out of town and have them looking after your senior kitty.
The link below will open the timetable template in a new tab. If you have any issues or recommendations to suit your needs please contact us using our email form.
Select landscape orientation when printing or saving as PDF.
Wisdom panel is a DNA test for your cat. It provides health insights such as drug sensitivities which highlight notable and risk related complications. It gives you their blood type, breeds and what their family tree may have looked like.
We do recommend this product as it can gives you an insight into their current health and what may affect them in the future. We do understand that it can be pricey so we have provided a link below to Colin's results so you can see if it is right for you before purchasing. We have disabled the reporting section as it contains personal details. Keep an eye out on their website as they do run promotional offers.