Signs include meowing or yowling to get your attention when you are not in the same room, coming home to toilet accidents or finding them hiding in a safe space such as under tables or hidey-holes. Senior cats can develop separation anxiety. This can be caused from them being re-homed, losing a family member or pet or just from being left for long periods of times. Pets do not know when you are coming home and can get scared when you are not there.
As they get older they will struggle to do regular activities and will feel safer when you are around. If you find your cat becoming more needy when you are home try not to leave them for long periods of time, especially at night. We also recommend buying a Feliway diffuser to help reduce them feeling uneasy. If you can plan when you are leaving for longer periods of time get a family member or friend to look after them until you return.
Check out our Home Alone article in the routines section.