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Keeping things clean


Brushing is not just for seniors, but for all ages. It helps keep your cat's coat clean and healthy. It removes dirt, loose hair and improves circulation. We recommend this as it allows you to keep an eye on your cat's health and also spend some time with them. The more time you spend with them, the more they will trust you when you want to try other grooming practices such nail clipping or shampooing.


Mouth Hygiene

Your pet's dental hygiene is as important as your own. It can be difficult to look after as they get older especially if your cat is not used to some of the products that are available. If your are luckily enough to adopt them at a young age, we recommend talking to your vet about brushing their teeth. If you cat is not keen on this you can buy a solution to add to their water. This helps eliminate bad breath and aids in controlling plaque build up. Check in with your local pet shop as there are other products on the market that can be added to food to reduce plaque build up.

mouth hygiene

Nail Clippers

As your cat gets older they become less active and you may find them using their scratching post less. Their nails become thicker, take longer to wear down and their claws will not retract as far as they used to. If you find your cat getting caught on blankets and quilts or notice their nails looking long, it is worth booking an appointment with you local vet to get them trimmed. If you feel comfortable cutting them yourself ask your vet and they can show you how.

nail clippers


No rinse foam shampoos are available for cats that are unable to clean themselves i.e., when they are wearing a cone / collar. It is also useful when they they are in their senior years and start to have toilet accidents in their sleep, or if they have to sit whilst urinating. It is easy to apply; simply leave in for a few moments then brush out. No need for water. It smells so great, I have to stop my partner from using it on her own hair! Normal shampoo for bathing your cat can also be purchased.


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